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Cabinet Locks To Child Proof Home
Edelein provides child proof solutions in keeping Children safe with our:
           Ease of Use
          Non-Toxic Materials
          Highest Premium Quality
         Versatile and Durable
         100% Guarantee


Our Story

“It was only a matter of seconds that my child was lying limp in my arms and unresponsive. Were my puffs of air getting through….sooo desperately wishing she would take a breath.  Why isn't the ambulance here yet!!”


As parents of 6 children, encountering this situation with our first child, we can understand how quickly accidents can occur. There is nothing more important than the safety of your baby, child as well as your beloved pets. We at Edelein, want to encourage and assist parents in putting their minds at ease by preventing accidents in their home with an easy, safe and secure product.


Our name, Edelein means 'Precious one'. We understand how fragile life is.  That is why we as a company stand by our product and are committed to bringing you the highest premium quality.


We are experiencing how fast time goes by with our own family and we want to encourage you to make those wonderful family memories with purpose and intent. Fill them with love, laughter and FUN!


From Our Family to Yours.






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